HT Social
Hind Technovel realises its responsibility towards the society and it knows that no matter how high the height the tree gains, but the roots remains on the ground, So Hind Technovel understands the responsibility of watering these roots, that’s why we have set aside a section whose name is Hind Technovel for Society i.e. HT Social.

We have created a team that is completely dedicated to the society, whose work is only that in which way we can use the resources that Hind Technovel gets from this world for the betterment of the society.
Health and Education are the two main aspects on which HT Social wants to work with the highest priority and is doing so.
Under education for we are running free education campaign in which we are giving education to poor and capable children. For Healthy Society we organise free medical camps in poor settlements.
“अभ्युदम च निश्रेयस “
अभ्युदय का अर्थ है लौकिक सम्पदा और भौतिक उन्नति के माध्यम से अधिकाधिक विषयों के उपभोग के द्वारा सुख प्राप्त करना। यह वास्तव में सुख का आभास मात्र है क्योंकि प्रत्येक उपभोग के गर्भ में दुःख छिपा रहता है। निःश्रेयस का अर्थ है अनात्मबंध से मोक्ष। इसमें मनुष्य आत्मस्वरूप का ज्ञान प्राप्त करता है जो सम्पूर्ण जगत् का अधिष्ठान है।
While trying to follow this path, Hind Technovel, while touching infinite dimensions in its field, is also engaged parallelly in social welfare works, for this we have formed a special team, as the head of which we have appointed a Social Welfare Manager.
Mr. Acharya Pathik is posted as Social Welfare Manager in HT Social. Acharya Pathik is engaged in the welfare of the society in various ways since many years. Acharya Pathik is also the founder of Jio or Jeene Do.
“Jio or Jeene do” is a trust which is mainly active in Panipat but it is known for social welfare in entire Haryana.
Its main task is to make poor people aware of government policies and gain benefit from government schemes, arrange school fees for poor children and work for cleanliness and health by going to poor settlements.
We believe that no person or any organization alone can bring any change in the society, for this it is necessary that everyone gather together and work as a team. Of course, we have formed a team but your participation will always be needed in this, so we invite you to come and be a part of this team and get your satisfaction by spending some part of your life in the service of the society.

Knowledge is acquired by the grace of God, blessings of parents, compassion of Guru and one’s own hard work. Knowledge is a precious diamond in itself and knowledge grows by sharing. We welcome those volunteers who want to share their knowledge in one way or the other for social benefit. We live and let live. We know that education changes one’s life.
Baba saheb Ambedkar had said once that education is the milk of a lioness, whoever drinks it will roar. (“शिक्षा शेरनी का दूध वह है जो पिएगा वही दहाड़ेगा “). Jio or Jeene do organization is working with great commitment towards education and skill development. Therefore, we welcome all those people who can donate for education, so let’s spread the light of education in this society

A healthy body causes a healthy thought and a healthy thought builds a healthy life. To serve a yogi and a patient gives equal merit. So, if you are a hospital, or are in contact with a hospital, are a doctor yourself or are in contact with a doctor and can help in setting up a free medical camp, then we welcome you, let’s take the initiative to create a healthy society. A healthy society is also the creator of a healthy and advanced nation.

Other Resources
With the blessings of God, we do not face any problem in eating, drinking or wearing clothes. According to the weather, almost we have full clothes, but we can also see people around us who do not have clothes to cover their body in winter, they do not even have slippers in their feet to avoid the heat in summer. Not everyone has enough money to donate clothes to these people. But our old clothes can help them a lot.
By Donating the old clothes which we no longer wear but are in a position to wear, we can help them, so let’s donate our old clothes to extend the life of those clothes and help the needy.
Similarly a lot of resources like Shoes, Grocery, Utensils, Stationary items and others can make other’s life easy.