Mobile Application

A Mobile application can be classified broadly into categories:
Static Apps & Dynamic Apps .
Static App is one which don’t need any backend for its functionality, eg: Calculator While Dynamic app is one that Require back and support Parallelly for its proper functioning. For eg. WhatsApp, Instagram Facebook.
However this classification is defined here, in the perspective of business/ client, to make basic understanding about mobile applications. Now the App for different platform i.e. Android, IOS, Blueberry & others are developed in different programming languages and in different ways. We develop mobile apps for all of the available platforms i.e. we develop Android apps/iOS apps and for other platforms too.
We are Highly Appreciated for Our Customer Support and to understand the client requirements. We don’t only make your idea live in the form of Mobile Applications but also we give our inputs about your app to make it more perfect and popular as per market demands. We have developed a lot of Mobile Apps yet including Android, IOS & Windows.
Now being a business entity you might have a lot of questions regarding pre & post development complexity. Since due to being totally/partially unknown about the IT Field, you might have very basic questions about App Development like as..
- Should I use any app for my business?
- Would it be really worthwhile to get an App for my business?
- Is it really required to boost up my sales & what after development whether I would be able to maintain it on my own or I have to hire some third party for the same?
These all questions are quite obvious and natural. Don’t worry we are here to answer your all doubts. just ask all your doubts in the Q & A section. We will try to resolve all your doubts as soon as possible. Also feel free to call us On our helpline number mentioned above to get your solution instantly.
Beside all these we are different from others to support you to try an idea. Yes, if you are a Start Up or Local Business , there might be a case where you have an idea and want to develop an app for it but the lack of resources is becoming a hurdle for you. For this we have a special offer that now get your app and pay a nominal amount monthly. when you will get sure that your Idea is working then pay the remaining amount. Otherwise after trying in a couple of months you can drop and further you don’t need to pay a single Pie.
Website Designing

Website is the older but efficient method to get reach to the customers. In earlier days the website designing was not so interactive but now Technology me and evolution of different languages has made the website creative, stylish and very interactive. We build websites for you that would be very creative, SEO friendly and Mobile responsive. Being an unknown of the field you Might not have knowledge about SEO.
When we talk about SEO we mean that we ensures that your website follow all the guidelines that are necessary too be ranked by Google. It is a basic and the first requirement for a website to be ranked. For this a lot of parameters need to be set during developing the website and we do it for you.
Mobile responsive Websites can adjust their interface as the screen changes, i.e.. for Tabs it would have different interface, for desktop it would have different interface as well as for mobile it would have different one.
Depending upon the business , there are are different types of websites that we can design
- E-commerce website
- Web applications
- Local business websites
- Corporate websites
It is very obvious to get questions and have doubt what type of website suits to your business. E commerce websites are for those businesses Who sells direct products. The website it might be showcase for all their products from where the customer can choose and buy by the desired product instantly from the website. it is just like Flipkart and Amazon.
Local business Websites consists of a few pages and it suited to the the new Start Ups while Corporate websites have a detailed overview of their business and normally these type of websites are very informative. still confused to you choose anyone then feel free to chat or call us,
Software development

Software is the tool installed in the computer/laptop or other device which performs a particular task. You might require such type of software for your business entity too. For example if you are running a library then software Air which can keep records of all the books issued returned on loan etc. If you are running a business where you have a lot of subordinates then you might need to Maintain their attendance, their performance reports etc. Then obviously you require some software which can Take this responsibility. Games are very likely seen to be played by the youngsters on desktop laptop and mobile YouTube might have an idea for a game we give shape to your idea in the form of gaming gaming software. So here we develop this Software for you. So chat with us on call soon now.